Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Teaching Guitar To Someone With Learning Difficulties

Teaching Guitar To Someone With Learning Difficulties
When you’re a guitar teacher not every student is going to be the next Van Halen.  Each student is a challenge for all sorts of different reasons.
Recently I was asked to teach someone with learning difficulties. The phrase learning difficulties covers a wide area and you can’t categorize everyone with the same label.
The student I had was unable to read well and couldn’t understand chord boxes. Explaining chords was proving difficult. At first I was drawing a blank as to what to do.
Moment of Inspiration.
Tuned Students Guitar To An E Chord
·         Student Could Strum Without Using Left Hand
·         Enabled Student To Play Chords With On Finger
·         Huge Boost To Confidence
Guitar In Open Tuning E (E,B,E,G#,B,E)
Example Heartbreak Hotel by Elvis is E A and B chords
Introduction can be played open. A Chord on 5th Fret B Chord on 7th Fret

If anyone has any good suggestions on the subject feel free to comment.

Guitar tuition in South Shields